They are there, you know - des invalides. Out of sight, not hurtfully so. Around a corner, out of the way of prying eyes, and bussed crowds. 'A drawing down of blinds'. In L'Hotel des Invalides. Whereas des hordes came to see the Little General's casket beneath the dome. Or Musee d'Armee with its canon and 'rifles' rapid rattle'.
Des jardins are areas of contemplation, not attractive to bussed hordes who are better suited to the clatter of hooves on the cobbled interior courtyard. Signs warn hordes off, permitting only ambulances or health vehicles to dilly or dally.
Or wheel-chairs ... filled with once-were soldiers ...
such a beautiful garden, a perfect place to take in a good book.
ReplyDeleteBeautifully sculptured trees.
ReplyDeleteSuch a good observation!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to your Paris photos, as usual they are great, the choice of the last conical topiary is inspired.
ReplyDeleteLove those pointy trees. Looking at a place 'slow' sure is good. Glad you are going it for us.
ReplyDeleteA topiarists dream. Paris loves it's sculptured trees.