Monday, 9 May 2011

Sunday in the park

After a slightly crisp start, the day blossomed fine and warm with a light nor'easter rustling the trees. An autumn Sunday, but not just any old Sunday. This was Mothering Sunday - Mothers' Day. And this year, we had two mothers to be feted.

I was very impressed with the parks of Paris, but suspect the parks of Sydney are winning in their own way. This was taken in Centennial Park, beside the children's playground. More as the week progresses.

And thus begins a most surreal week. I compose this as I stand vigil for my father making his final journey, expected early Monday morning.


  1. Hello Julie,
    If you are saying what I think you are saying, my thoughts and my prayers are with you.


  2. A beautiful photo, Julie, and a sad time for you, my friend. I promise I'll be thinking of you.
    I was the only one with my father when he died less than two years ago, at 6am, and was so grateful I'd decided to spend the night on a chair beside his bed, while the others went home to rest. It was the last thing I could do for him.
    Luv, K

  3. Yes, that is where I am as I type this: on a chair beside his bed. It has been a long four days, and it has been so good to be able to spend it with him so intimately.

  4. Such a beautiful and emotional post. The joy in this girl's face is, I'm sure, reflected in your sadness. Thoughts are with you.

  5. The photo is perfect - a father with his daughters. I hope your father's death will be a good one, a peaceful easy one and am so glad you can be there with him. Courage, Julie xxx

  6. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  7. As others above have said Julie, our thoughts are with you at this time.

  8. Thoughts with you.

  9. Julie, my thoughts are with you. Regarding your question about iconic parks in Sydney. Apart from the obvious Hyde Park, Botanic Gardens and The Domain, I think Sydney Park at Alexandria/St Peters would have to be on the list and probably historic Parramatta Park too.

  10. Julie: My thoughts are with you and your dear Dad. xx

  11. Courage Julie. It is a difficult time but a true privilege to share his final moments...A final duty and honor as his daughter. Ironically I sought out your blog because he was in Milne bay where my husband lived. your Dad was an Aussie hero.

  12. HI Julie, just saw your news about your Dad, 5.15 this morning, I would really like to give you a hug right now, you know my thoughts are with you, I was lucky enough to be with my Dad when he passed and it does help I think.

    Take care

  13. Thank you everyone. I am sure it helps to be there. I feel remarkably at peace myself. I think Grace is referring to my FB post.

    In the fullness of time, I will write more on my 'Plumbing' blog.

    I also need to thank Annie Liebowitz who liberated me to document Dad's passing. Not that I will share this immediately. It takes time to come to terms with respect and privacy.

  14. He's a daddy mothering. Lovely shot of life at its fullest while you are watching one slowly flickering out. My heart is with you.

  15. Thinking of you Julie. Warmly, Rae

  16. A mothering day to reflect on a daughter's day too.
    Generations are no more important, my thoughts are with you.

  17. I hope what is to come is peaceful for your Dad, you and your family.
