Saturday, 11 June 2011

Polonius was wrong!

I used to swarm over North Bondi when staying with my grandmother during the long summer holidays as I grew up. But I had not been in some of the backstreets for yonks. But I found it by using our family method: 'Turn right at Pluto'.

A nondescript little building so typical of the 1950s manifestation of 'nanny state'. But, oh so different inside. Kirsten had read on a website somewhere that there was a toy library. And what a treasure it will prove to be. For an annual fee of $100 she can borrow 4 items every two weeks.


  1. Toy Library is a wonderful concept.

  2. What a fabulous idea. They tire of them so quickly when they're little. I'll bet you will be there regularly. And I'd guess there's nobody "shusshing" the little ones in this library! :)

  3. A concept new to me! I would have to get used to the idea... and think about it...

  4. Our charity shops used to serve a similar function. The toys were so cheap you could buy them as if you were hiring them then take them back to be re-sold. Round here, though, they've all gone up-market - which means not only have the clothes become more expensive, the toys have vanished from the shelves. Maybe more real toy libraries (like this one) will spring up in their place.


  5. What a wonderful idea, Julie, so Alannah won't end up being one of those children with rooms and rooms full of toys sent by well-meaning friends and relatives.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  6. Great concept and photos. I love your title for this post Julie (but have to admit I had to enlist the help of Google to get it).

  7. When my kids were young back in the 80's we used the council toy library and it was free for everyone with unlimited borrowings :-).

  8. Interesting idea. Never heard of this before.

  9. I guess I am old fashioned. I came from an era when toys were robust and loved -- I think I would have hated to have to send a favourite toy back to a library.
