Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Tunnel vision

Campbell Street runs beneath a 1926 viaduct for the Sydney subway between Central Station (to the left) and Town Hall station (to the right). Just a few hundred metres to the right here, the lines go underground in the form of what is known as the City Circle. I think it fair to say that this is a 'gritty' part of town.


  1. Those "scratches" on the ceiling look like sparks of energy- adding to an interstuing phot, It's always great to see the gritty side of a place, as well as the tourist attractions! Thanks Julie!


  2. Tunnel vision = panic vision for me :-)

  3. I can drive through a tunnel, but I'm very nervous about walking through one unless it is brightly lit and I have a good reason for being there.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  4. Love the juxtaposition of these two shots with a hint of mystery... as if the two walkers just vanished!


  5. The gents in the top shot don't look particularly gritty.

  6. I think "gritty" is a fair assessment.

  7. I particularly like the first picture, with all the symbols of personal separation. Contemporary urban life.

    BTW way, I knew about the antecedents of Copeland's music but not the history of the Shaker sect. Annpeciate the info.

  8. Now I'm curious to know what actually did make those intriguing marks across the curve of the tunnel??

  9. Grace - I think the marks is water seeping through from the structure above and trickling down the curvature of the tunnel. Rather than soil, however, I suspect the colouring to be rust.

  10. I love gritty parts of town! Great shots

  11. Tunnelly subway things tend to be gritty in any part of town. The lighting it out on ours at the moment ... very dark and gloomy, must be scaring the older folk dreadfully so I hope they fix the lights soon.

  12. Super shots. First one is fabulous. Just love that they walk in opposite directions and we have those two arrows and that cone in the middle. too many rules for the brain to take in...
