Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Where cows come first

Wanna play Euchre on a Saturday, or do Yoga on a Tuesday evening? Have we gotta deal for YOU!!

Fracking is rife throughout our countryside. Rights to something contentious deep within the earth's 'core' are given to mining companies left, right, and centre. Even though groundwater is polluted, and the stability of the earth is compromised. There are better ways of securing our energy future - and without compromising our future water, and the productivity of our food bowls.

And cows, don't forget the cows. Who come first - even though I am not entirely sure that that phrase means.


  1. I had to look up "fracking" because I'd forgotten it, and now I'm sorry I stirred up my memory. Horrible, awful, and another thing which has to be stopped.
    Gotta love a place where the cows come first. (I'm guessing it means they have the right-of-way when crossing a road, a path or a field.)
    I failed at both yoga and euchre, so I guess if I retire to Goolmangar (which looks like a pretty place), I'll have to get involved in banning fracking.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. I'm all for looking after the earth. Although too many cows aren't that great for the air.

  3. Mining compaies are only concerned with their bottom line and stuff eveything else no matter what the cost to the environment :-).

  4. It's terrible and they want to start doing it in the city too.

  5. Yes it is a huge issue at the moment. I have friends who can't sell properties because they are in areas that may be tested for coal seam gas.

  6. Maybe one day we'll wake up and realise the damage being done, no doubt once its too late.

  7. It is insane, it is so ridiculous that they're allowed to rip the ground from under us.
    In more stupidity the ONLY all electric car built in Australia was voted to NOT be included at the motor car show in Melb.

  8. Clean water is precious and too valuable to risk polluting.

  9. Fracking is that a new sort of Euchre?
    Love the cows, not sure they come first in Sydney.

  10. Cows DO come first in Sydney! I offer Jones and Hadley as proof!!

  11. The big issues faced by a small community, all in one shot. Very interesting photo, Julie.

  12. Actually I am pro mining ... so long as good checks and balances are in place.

  13. I am not in favour of Coal Seam Gss mining beneath prime agricultural land or close to major water courses.

    I think that CSG mining is a technique fraught with danger and not yet proven. In your terminology, there are insufficient C & B.

    Just as I was leaving the Hunter Valley (late 60s) is when Liddell was established. That entire basin around Singleton is now one big coal mine. It used to be farming - sheep, beef, wheat.

  14. Cows do yoga on Tuesdays? Would like to see that! ;)

    As to fracking in the US: during the Bush administration, VP Cheney (former CEO of Halliburton) pushed for legislation which passed, exempting fracking from falling under the purview of the Clean Water Act. Halliburton, of course, is big producer of fracked gas. The chemicals used do not need to be revealed and ground water is not protected. Some people can now ignite the water coming out of their faucets. No wonder conspiracy theories are so popular.
