Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Possibly not Tiffany's

I quite like this 'chain' of stores: there is another shop further down Oxford Street opposite the Verona Cinemas, whereas this shop is in the grounds of the Saturday Paddo Market.

They stock jewellery made from coloured stones and beaten metal from around the world. Jewellery that costs a lot but isn't worth much, if you know what I mean. The name is pretty cute, too.


  1. It's very funny little hause (and a big funny graffiti).

  2. Very cute name! I love clever people. This weekend we got smoothies from a cute little place where they put your ingredients in a blender attached to a bike you pedal to blend it. The name-- "The Juice Peddler."

  3. My kind of store but not the prices they charge. Personally, I'd rather buy from the source (which is even more expensive when you factor in airfare). Don't mind that graffiti.

  4. Quite a colourful landmark.

  5. But "the family jewels" sounds like a low cost shop for everyone. For families. The graffiti is definitely great.

  6. The cost of jewellery makes me happy that I rarely indulge in buying it.

  7. I like the name and the graffiti. I think I would even stop and have a look in the window.

  8. Some street art is SO captivating... love the color and movement in this!

  9. I can never understand the price of jewellrey.
