Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Wharfies, coming to get you

Some most purposeful striding along the wharves at Circular Quay


  1. Nice shot, Julie.
    I just read Kirsten's "countdown" and she continues to amaze me, as I am sure she's amazing her doctors. What a wonderful daughter you have.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. Indeed. I agree, Kay. I was there all day yesterday for 'Ma-care' (730am-530pm) and I could tell the difference even today. Ususally (prior to op) she had a most physical relationship with Ally: chasing, rolling, tossing. The rolling was back yesterday.And it was good to hear the burbles of laughter from them both. Darren is to treasure!

  3. Nice, esp in b&w. Good to read Kristen is on the improve. Will head over to her blog now.

  4. this shot is a scene alfred hitchcock would admire.

  5. um ... the fact that they were walking along a wharf ... like.
