Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Cycling against the tide

Here is a view of each section of College Street in the inner city. The top shows the College Street cycleway from Whitlam Square to Park Street. The lower shows the same cycle way from Park to Macquarie Street. This is the cycleway that the City of Sydney decided to rename the 'Cadel Evans Cycleway' at the end of July.

Cycleways cop a bashing in the popular media at the moment. These shots will simply reinforce the argument that they are under-utilised white-elephants. However, I am in favour of them. But, I no longer drive, and am no longer welded to the assumptions and prejudices of the motoring public. I have to go everywhere by public transport or shanks' pony. So it stands to reason that I am in favour of cycleways. I am also in favour of the return of trams to the inner city. But trams were crucified by the motoring organisations of the 1950s.

Nothing has changed 60 years later.


  1. These are brilliant cycleways Julie, I don't understand why as a cyclist you wouldn't want to use them, instead of causing motorists grief by riding on the road and in some heavy traffic areas risking your life from reckless drivers! btw your laneways from yesterday were perfect for 'adventures' but probably back in the 50/60's beautifully captured.

  2. Gorgeous cycleway, Julie, and I hope such things will be used more in the near future. I really like the green colour distinguishing the cycleway from the roadway, but the sidewalk looks a mite narrow.
    Your photos are so nice and clear and crisp.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  3. I'm in favour of cycleways, its where they come off this one at full speed onto Queens Square and nearly bowl me over that I'm not in favour of.

  4. Obviously one should ride a bike in Sydney! So glad Cadel Evans is having this named after him. Great cyclist.

  5. Cycleways are a great idea but the locations of some of them haven't been well thought out.

  6. The trouble that in the city even cycleways are not the safest places to ride. I din't think anything would persuade me to ride in the city.
