Sunday, 2 October 2011

Paying one's respects

As the bus meandered down the peninsula, it increasingly filled with passengers who, to me, were all very similar. I took a wild punt that they were going my way. And sure enough, the bus emptied at the Botany Cemetery stop.

Mostly the other passengers were in their 70s, short and a little overweight, wearing black. Predominantly they were female, but not exclusively. I followed them; they were all in a jolly mood; and, they all seemed to know each other well.

Mostly, they were Greek. Am I supposed to say 'of Greek extraction'? Anyways, they were Greek. They led me to the most beautifully maintained section of any cemetery I have ever visited. *whispers* I think they compete with each other. *shhh*

Shall show you more over the next few days.


  1. Fabulous, Julie. I hope they're not into blogging, because I wouldn't want published photos of me, in a skirt, bending over like that, but this is a great picture!
    — K

  2. How lovely that they were in a jolly mood. Nicely taken as it could be a difficult area - not wanting to intrude.

  3. This photo tells such a story. I love it.

  4. A sweet story - a sweet picture. and look at all those beautiful flowers!

  5. An enjoyable photo and a puckish commentary.

  6. You made me laugh. Some have been known to be quite competitive, even at the cemetery. :)

  7. This made me chuckle out loud Julie, adore the photo and the wordage..hilarious. Brilliant post.

  8. Grinning from ear to ear. It's nice to wax somewhat anthropological in a cemetery.

  9. This bums up photo is wonderful. It speaks so much of that generation of women regardless of their extraction.

  10. I'm glad a pilgrimage like this can be enjoyable.

  11. Thank you for you words of appreciation, folks. Yes, I can understand that some pilgrimages are sombre, but this was anything but.

  12. Use your wide-angled lens on this one? Sorry, couldn't resist.

  13. oh, Julie, how I love that you abandoned your plans to go on this adventure.

  14. Oh this is marvelous. You get the prize today and I"ve only read about 5 blogs, but this cannot be topped, or bottomed! :)

  15. Joan Elizabeth's comment put enough of a smile on my face that I think I can get back to grading papers!!!

    So much to ponder in these photos and words.... For once, I am speechless..... in deep reflection.

  16. You have to smile when you see this.

  17. Wow...lovely flowers a lined. It is always good to see different flowers in different colors.

  18. The bums up pose is such a dry touch of humour in a usually dark place! Great commentary and great photo!

  19. J'aime beaucoup la dernière photo
