Thursday, 13 October 2011

We said "Yes"!

I squibbed Parliament House today. After my experience yesterday, I knew what was going to happen and who would be swarming all over the building, making assumptions that I was one of them. But regardless, the deed is done. The Act has passed the lower house. It has taken a lot of consultation and a lot of determination.

Instead today, I walked from the Hotel Kurrajong over to the Australian War Memorial and back again. This photograph is taken from the AWM (the most visited museum in Australia) looking down ANZAC Parade, and across Lake Burley Griffin. The white building is Old Parliament House. And there on the hill behind, in all its glory, is the house of the Parliament of Australia.


  1. Beautiful photo, Julie.

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. Classic view from the War Memorial.

  3. Good on you Julie! Historic time to be in Canberra, I am unsure about the C Tax. As Jim says classic postcard view of Canberra.

  4. A grand view! Like a parade of silence - few people!

  5. Gemma - all the people yesterday were either at Parliament House or at Floriade. There were quite a few at AWM but not crowded. I could meander back and forth to my heart's content. This time I did the 'ceremonial' bits plus WW2. Last time I visited (2009) I spent the entire time in the VC section.

  6. We were at Floriade yesterday :) But cheering from the sidelines!

  7. I think the decision was right. It's the right thing to do. In a few year nobody will bat an eyelid.
    Have fun in the capitol. We're in your fair city for a few days.

  8. This is the ultimate Canberra view for me ... it is just so ceremonial.

  9. I agree Joan. It makes my heart thump. I walked up one side and down the other, looking at each of the side memorials. I also walked down from Parliament House on the previous day. Great stuff ...
