Sunday, 20 November 2011

A cool beauty

A Phalaenopsis Orchid is so different from a Cymbidium Orchid. Think Grace Kelly cf Marilyn Monroe. Think Monet cf Picasso. Think Melbourne cf Sydney.


  1. The back-lighting is perfect on this one, glamorous to the max!!

  2. So delicately translucent...!

  3. I know nothing about the varieties of orchids. I've never visited Melbourne. But I get the actresses and the artists. The backlighting here is - what's the right word? - tender, perhaps.

  4. As we in the northern hemisphere slide into winter (a tiny bit of snow today) it is very refreshing to see images of your slide into summer. Squash blossoms and butterfly orchids are such welcome images -- and very beautiful indeed!

  5. I can never get the damn things to bloom a second time. Do you have any luck?

  6. This is the second lot of blooms for this stem on this plant, Peter. But I am assiduous with the watering: one each week (Monday) I stand it in a sink half full of water for about 15 minutes, and I wipe all the dust from its 'leaves'. I also trimmed each stem after the first flush of flowers.

  7. I can't get them to flower either. Nice back lighting.

  8. so lovely, thanks for sharing it.

  9. Hi Julie
    This flower is so lovely,and your
    photo shows it off so well.I love
    white flowers,especially delicate
    ones like this one.

  10. Pure elegance. And what a show-off you are showing you can get them to flower ... very Sydney.

  11. This specimen belongs to Kirsten and is sitting on her kitchen sink for the photo. I do ALL her gardening for her ... well sbe has a juliet-balcony and this ...
