Saturday, 5 November 2011

A distinct sniff of freedom

If anyone knows the name of the point on which I am standing, please let me know. It is a magnificent vantage point, which I had to my pat-malone.

Tomorrow, the artists' colony.


  1. I like the rocks. Whereas my rocks are usually framing a blue-grey valley yours is framing water ... but the rocks look a lot the same.

  2. WEll I've no idea where you are but you sniffed out the perfect spot for photographs Julie.
    Bon weekend,

  3. I assume this is Kurraba point since the reserve there is called Kurraba point reserve?

  4. Mmmm ... now where did you find the name of the reserve? It is not on Google Map. Do you still have a paper map of the harbour? I will have to get me one of those, too.

    Thank you.
