Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Theme Day - Good fences make good Neighbours: from the Inside

On the inside of the wall that fences off the St Stephen's graveyard from the Camperdown Memorial Rest park, beauty reigns supreme. Remember here, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It is the wild, rampant beauty of decay and neglect. Wilful neglect, mind you. I for one, would not wish this graveyard to be neatly tended and trimmed.

Eric at PDP tells me that 1st November is All Soul's Saints' Day, the day for visiting departed in cemeteries around the country.

Remember some of the history from yesterday's view of the outside of this wall. The larger cemetery was established in 1848 and closed - full - in 1867. In 1948, hundred of headstones from around the wider park were moved to within church grounds, and laid up against the stone wall. They were nailed to the wall, in good faith. However, the nails rusted, and the headstones cracked. There are tours on the first Sunday of each month. But, I am all for the solitary meander, and the soft touch upon crumbling headsones. Beauty is fact enough.

Click here to view thumbnails from around the world for this Theme Day.


  1. I wasn't expecting this on the other side of yesterdays wall Julie, these pictures are incredibly touching. I too love that it isn't kept all pristine, it wouldn't look right. The headstones against the walls brought a lump to my throat, I don't know why, they just moved me. Such sensitive images, like them a lot.

  2. I am reminded of the final paragraph from Wuthering Heights. Great shots Julie.

  3. Excellent memory, Mark.

    'I lingered round them, under that benign sky; watched the moths fluttering among the heath, and hare-bells; listened to the soft wind breathing through the grass; and wondered how any one could ever imagine unquiet slumbers for the sleepers in that quiet earth.'

  4. amazing !

    please have a good new month ahead.

  5. I have to agree with you. It's perfect the way it is.

  6. A beautiful touching series of photographs. You couldn't have done it better!

  7. Looks quite luscious with all that greenery and dandelions. Great theme day post. Thanks for your well wishes, Julie. I had thought that my fence would most likely have been a new fence, but now you've got me thinking. It's quite possible that it was retained and recycled from an old fence there.

  8. Very appropriate for All Saints Day or All Hallows Day. I am surprised at Eric, All Soul's is 2 November. Good to see the lack of graffiti on the inside.

  9. How fascinating and surprising to see the other side of yesterday's wall. Well of course you know which side I prefer. Absolutely beautiful and unspoiled cemetery.

  10. What a great take in theme day. The top shot if perfect with its meadowy grass.

  11. That sure is a fence with a difference.As you say there is beauty in the unkempt. I bet you were enjoying yourself immensely wandering around behind the fence.

  12. These are beautiful shots, Julie! I don't know if you have visited Prague but if not, I'm sure you would love the Jewish Cemetery, it's AMAZING.

  13. I know Newtown only from the streets and restaurants, with all its colours. Almost bucolic here, and most appropriate for the theme and season.

  14. Stones along the wall seems so strange.
