Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Who (or what) was SB?

Knowing that I would need to meander along Bligh Street in the near-future, I did a little cross-country hike from King, along Phillip, and dog-legged Hunter Street into Bligh.
If you recall, there is a remarkably underwhelming monument on the corner of Hunter and Bligh, commemorating the first Christian church service in the new colony. It sits on a little triangle of land within the intersection. And next to it, also within the triangle, sits this.
It is not a street lamp. It is not a street sign. It is not a water fountain. Now, it could be a doggy pole, or a bicycle stand. But I doubt it.


  1. what an odd looking piece of work. Would be interested to know for what purpose it was made!

  2. I have noticed this before but have no idea what it is.

  3. I gather that is was previously, a light post in Martin Place. Not sure when it was placed here. Probably put into storage in between times
