Sunday, 26 October 2014

Travel by train (1)

I travel a lot by public transport. Not exclusively, but overwhelmingly. I am used to it now. It was a wrench being banned from driving, but I chose not to dwell upon it.

Gosford is about 80kms north of my home in Sydney. I travel there to visit my brother. Yesterday, a steam locomotive had just arrived, full of day-trippers. In this tableaux, guess who the steam engine afficianado is.


  1. It's great that the keep these steam engines going. I'll bet its due to the devotion of many volunteers. A wonderful reminder of days gone by.

  2. Was it really a steam engine? These days they usually pull the old carriages with old diesels up this way. But maybe it is the mountains http makes them do that.

    The guy with the backpack looks like the many photographers that line the route when old trains are passing by. The older gent is typical of those of us of a certain age who are always looking at old things with pleasure.

  3. Yep, a steam engine way up on the other end of the platform, one of the many green 3801 models.

    The three people mooching on this side of the platform were waiting for the Newcastle train. The gent in beige is my candidate.
