Saturday, 22 November 2014

Parsley in flower

This is my Italian, or flat-leafed, Parsley. I used to only grow curly-leafed Parsley, but my daughter - our chef - only likes the Italian version. So, flat-leafed it is, then!

But it went to seed. Quickly. We used it, but not fast enough. Quite beautiful, is it not? To my eye, it resembles the Queen-Anne-Lace that I saw along the roadside when I spent two weeks in Saint-André-de-Roquepertuis, in the Languedoc, in the south of France.

Perhaps, it is just wishful thinking on my part ...


  1. Right at the moment one of my curly leaf parsley plants has gone to flower. The flat leaf is still OK. I find this post a little depressing. I was rather hoping the flat leaf variety would not do that.

    I agree looks like QAs lace. We used to have that in our garden when we first moved here but the neighbours trees grew up and blocked the sunlight so it died off along with the lemon tree, rhubarb and rasberries that used to be in that garden bed.

  2. One of my favourite "flowers" - I love to use it in my arrangements.

    When I lived in Ararat, I let all the parsley go to seed. Chopped it off, threw it under the peach tree and it self-seeded beautifully the next year.

  3. That is a brilliant ploy, Letty. I shall do in a few more days, but under my front Camellia. Taa taa taa ...

  4. mmmm... delicious herbs when they are fresh from the garden
