Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Clifton Gardens - the Jetty

On Sunday, we got our beach excursions back on track. This time, instead of visiting a beach on Middle Harbour, we visited Clifton Gardens, which is on the main harbour, just around from the entrance to Middle Harbour. It has wonderful walkways, as can be seen from these two shots.


  1. Now that looks so refreshing on a hot humid day like today.

  2. Yes, today was the pits. And we have another week of late afternoon thunderstorms. The rain last night kept waking me up! Whinge, whinge, whine ...

  3. It's tempting to go swimming ...

  4. Julie (to paraphrase Paul Simon) you’re breaking my heart. Flooding it with memories of warm Summer evenings, cold beer, barbecued steaks, possibly-willing girls, and moonlit harbour views from the terrace of the Clifton Gardens Hotel – it and the baths etc originally built, I believe, by the Port Jackson Steamship Company as a day-trip destination. Is the pub still extant? After I’d moved to Adelaide in the early-seventies, I heard it was under threat from local residents who’d built on the hillside above decades after the pub and then decided it was a nuisance to their property values.

  5. Gorgeous, and I like the lines turning up in these shots.

  6. I have a few Lonely Planet guides about Australia. I bought them a few eons ago when I was planning a round the world trip. Hasn't happened yet, but it's fun to read about all these wonderful places Down Under, especially during our long and dark Winter evenings.

  7. Fig Mince, I followed up both your comment, and that of Rosemary, with a slice of the history of the area c.1870-1940 ...
