Friday, 2 January 2015

Orb Weaver - garden variety

Whilst trimming the Cascade Lilipilli hedge along our front boundary, we realised we had an audience. This is an Orb Weaver, the Araneus brisbanae, which is found in the states of Queensland and New South Wales. This spider makes a web in spaces between foliage, strung between supports, often about 2 metres above the ground. Whilst its bite may sting, it is not lethal. It is not an aggressive spider, but it is big and hairy.


  1. OOh how intimidating, but glad you got the shot! And for the record, you should see Hairy spiders meet Sally spiders.

  2. The colours are visually interesting. I've got a friend who has a dislike of any spider!

  3. I don't think I could have got this close Rev.

  4. I find insects/spiders fascinating ... when I garden I find there are zillions of them and am quite amazed at the detail.

    I have been doing the spring cleaning however and spiders webs are not my friend.

  5. Eeeew I don't like spiders but this is a good shot of hairy legs

  6. There's no such thing as a good spider :) Great close up and personal shot Julie, as long as they stay out in the garden/bush they live!

  7. I walked into a web the other night and freaked out, with good reason. Next night the spider was back and it was huge. I carefully caught him and moved him along to a tree in the front garden away from the footpath.

  8. I walked into a web the other night and freaked out, with good reason. Next night the spider was back and it was huge. I carefully caught him and moved him along to a tree in the front garden away from the footpath.
