Friday, 2 December 2011

Red pillar box

I am finding more and more of these old red post boxes. This one is still in use.


  1. Nice! Did yours come all the way from the U.K.?

    In Jerusalem we have a few still in use since British Mandate days. They were made in Scotland.

  2. I love all the lines and shapes, crisp colors in this image, the white clothes against the gray wall, the colorful gears in the windows, the white rectangle and circle.

  3. I just love this photo, it's so
    artistic.This particular shape of postbox is new to me,I'm more familiar with the English pillow

  4. I really like this photo.. and it is rare to see this type in use, most have a modern one next to them.

  5. Can't find any old red post boxes like that in my neck of the woods anymore just like the red telephone boxes scarce as hens teeth :-).

  6. I've been noticing them more often too from The Rocks to Wolloomooloo.

  7. ooo ... I know the one in The Rocks, but not Wooloomooloo. There is one near the fountain in Kx, another in Five Ways in Paddo, and another in Bridge St in Glebe.

  8. Love this composition Julie, capturing of the old post box, modern symbols and the telecommunications booth. There is a lot going on here.

  9. Glad to see some things don't change. Saw one of these in Barwon Heads on the Bellarine Peninsula, Victoria recently.

  10. Phone boxes are just about as rare as post boxes these days. I noticed one (a phone) at the railway station the other day and thought gosh you don't see too many of them around now. They have been quietly disappearing.

  11. Effect of the mobile phone, I should think. No money in it for Telstra.

  12. very pleasing composition, julie.

  13. Interesting background. I saw a funny Candid Camera episode many years ago where a voice came from inside the post box every time someone dropped a letter in. It was funny seeing some people having a conversation with it.

  14. Love that red exclamation mark of the pillar box!
    Very visually satisfying photo.

  15. I have not seen one of these red post boxes in Melbourne at all! Perhpas they are around if there's one on the Bellarine Peninsula! The old post box style makes an interesting contrast with the arty modern design on the window above it!
