Sunday 18 October 2015

Waterview Wharf Workshops, Balmain

Waterview is the 19th century name for Mort Bay, around which nestles the inner-city, trendified suburb of Balmain. The workshops are privately owned, and restored, but have been listed by The National Trust. Full details are available at their web-site.

I love the texture of the water in this first image.

This is very close to the city, although it may not appear so. Just around the Balmain peninsula, and to the right ...

The bridge is softened, once again, by Goat Island and its old ship maintenance workshops. This is a wonderful ferry ride, showing a working harbour.


William Kendall said...

These three buildings rather nicely enhance their surroundings, I think.

Jim said...

I like the paint job they've given them. They were all a creamy yellow in the past.

Julie said...

Yes, the paint-job is just terrific. Raises their profile tremendously.

diane b said...

They look much more attractive now. Trendified balmain, who would have thought 50 years ago.

Joe said...

These workshops certainly do have prime position Julie.