Thursday, 19 April 2012

An east coast low

It was bad on Tuesday. Like this all day Wednesday. Thursday is expected to be slightly worse:
Cloudy. Rain, heavy at times with possible thunderstorms. Winds E 30 to 50 km/h, strongest along the coast, easing later in the afternoon. Dangerous surf conditions, hazardous for coastal activities such as swimming, surfing and rock fishing, are expected in the afternoon and evening.
The wet weather is being caused by a deepening low pressure trough on the east coast, causing an increase in cloud and rainfall. It should ease by the weekend.


Kay L. Davies said...

Gorgeous photo, Julie, but not good news about the rain and wind.

Unknown said...

The weather may be bad, Julie, but your capture is exquisite - the colors, the texture and the story it tells - wonderful!

Jim said...

Excellent reflections. I should try that sort of shot when it's raining.

Jim said...

Julie, it seems they've been exhibiting the banners since March but not sure why they are showing the 2010 winners in 2012. Maybe they've already been displayed at the other Botanic Gardens at Mount Annan and Mount Tomah.

Carole M. said...

a fabulous photo Julie during a bad weather period

Ann said...

Fabulous reflection. Its been far too wet for me to get the camera out. Haven't felt like it much lately anyway, need to get my motivation back.

Mark said...

Very wet here on Tuesday but thankfully (sorry) it headed south. We need dry weather to reduce the risk of another flood.
Great shot captures the weather perfectly.

Peter said...

Batten down the hatches and the lens cover for me. Brave shot.

diane b said...

What were you doing out in it??

Julie said...

I have been to my therapist and by the time I was finished I needed my head read!!

Actually ... I was walking home last night about 630 and I waited under an awning diagonally across from St Vincents, in theory for it to abate. I saw all these youngsters going home from work getting absolutely drenched!! So out comes the camera ...

By the time I got myself home later I was drenched ... but the camera in the backpack was dry as that is what I mostly held the brolly over ... sad really,

Victor said...

A terrific photograph.

Joe said...

I have heard that the weather in Sydney yesterday was terrible. It is certainly amazing how volatile our seasons have become. On the bright side the rain certainly makes for excellent reflections in your photography. Wonderful shot.

diane b said...

Your reply had me giggling. I worry about you being out in that weather. Stay home. Stay safe.

Julie said...

Did you ever watch a show called 'Hill St Blues', oh about a hundred years ago, now.

The sergeant gathered all his teams into the briefing room at the start of each shift, explained their briefs etc, and always finished with 'Let's be careful out there, people'.

Joan Elizabeth said...

Great photo. Rain. No shortage of that lately. I've taken to ignoring it.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gorgeous reflections Julie, big drag about all the rain heading your way though. You guys certainly have had more than your fair share this year. Blimey I hope Dave doesn't go surfing this weekend, or ever would be even better!!

Julie said...

Grace, I would think that all the surf is v. treacherous right now.

Today was nowhere near as bad as forecast. However, when I tracked the storms on BoM (what a wonderful site that is!), I noticed that they were very strong (into the reds) out at sea, and that they broached land somewhere between The Gong and Nowra (3 hours south of Sydney).

This just about ensures that your son is at least THINKING about going for a surf ...

raf said...

Can feel the wet in this shot, Julie. Great that you could capture a night shot like this so well.

Jilly said...

I used to hate rain till Brattcat came to stay and I discovered what fabulous photos can be created in rain. This is a perfect example.

Julie said...

One just needs to be very very careful with the camera in the rain, Jilly. Especially your new 5Dii ...