Thursday 13 June 2013

Gallivanting - Freeman's Waterhole # 1

Working on a farm, a two-person farm, is hard yakka, constant hard yakka. Animals are creatures of habit. They like to continue to receive their food just when they have always received it. As close to 6 o'clock in the morning as possible. There's a good farmhand. So what, if the weather is being uncooperative. If it is raining, and the mercury is struggling to get into double digits, even come midday. That double-malted bran bale of hay looks and smells delicious. Toss it here please.


Joe said...

Farming would be a hard life indeed.

Jim Klenke said...

When I go visit my family, my mom always makes the trek out to the barn to feed the horses at the same time of day, when I said something once, she said they were just like me. They cry if they don't get fed when they want it.

Joan Elizabeth said...

You'd make a good farmer ... you like to rise early.

Julie said...

I would make a WONDERFUL FARMER! Actually, with all this gardening, it feels like I am bordering on one at the moment.