Monday 10 June 2013

Gentility replaces utility

Remember the Mickey Mouse skull that many of you found repulsive?

The structures are mapped as 4 and 6 and 8 Oakville Road, Willoughby. It is currently a home, and an artist's studio. They started life as a general store, a single fronted terrace residence, and a produce store, shown here in the 1920s. It was owned by the Waldron family. The produce store is particularly attractive, as is the designer rusted gate that is between the produce store (4) and the domestic terrace, but is rarely closed.


Oakland Daily Photo said...

At least they've been preserved if in an altered state. Here they'd be torn down to be replaced by a strip mall. Ugh.

Carole M. said...

especially enjoy those photos from yesteryear

Joan Elizabeth said...

Great comparison shots Julie. It's amazing how gentrified some places become.

diane b said...

It is good to see that they haven't been torn down but reused.