Sunday 5 April 2015

The Rocks - Rosé

After tramping around The Rocks all morning, I dropped in to "The Lord Nelson Brewery" for a light refreshment of their bar Rosé, and a bowl of hot, skinny chips. Not as smooth as my home-rosé, Langmeil "Bella Rouge" from the Barossa, but not bad, nevertheless.

Feeling refreshed, and refocussed, I braved the pavement once again, coming up with this burst of colour and texture, on my traipse back to Wynyard station.


William Kendall said...

Looking at that glass, I'm reminded of the glass is half full-glass is half empty argument, and the third option- finishing off the glass while those other two are arguing the point.

Alain said...

Les vins australiens sont bons et ont l'avantage (par rapport aux vins français) d'être disponibles à des prix abordables dans de nombreux pays.

Julie said...

Alain, French wine has a (deserved) reputation for quality, and this bumps up the price. I like Australian wines because I am used to them. I drink French wine when in Paris, but choose a cheaper label.

Unknown said...

I like to see these two photos together. Very nice, Julie!

Julie said...

Thank you, Jose.

Kate said...

The color of the bricks and the wine appear to be the same shade! Nothing better than a fine glass of wine with a meal; prefer a chilled white, regardless of what I am eating!!

Julie said...

My wine choice varies with the season, Kate. In winter I am more likely to choose a hefty red. I used to choose a white during the warmer months, but now find their quality too variable, and opt for a rose instead.