Tuesday 21 April 2009

Lavender Bay (2)

Dad exclaimed with gleeful pointing when he saw the two white boat-club buildings on the further shore, as they feature prominently in his mind's eye - except in "his" 1910 there were three buildings: witness the archive image dated about 1909. The railway tracks are still there. The overhead stanchions are rusty, but still standing. Much of the "gentleman's baths" have been demolished, save the pier out to what is now the Lavender Bay ferry wharf.

Dad has learnt to grin sheepishly when I say:"mmm ... wonder where that track leads" and to respond "Something tells me we're about to find out!" I do not mind that he does not remember one iota of this in 24 hours; when we are doing it he knows exactly what we are doing, and how "naughty" we are often being. I figure all those bossy signs don't apply to me when I am showing me ole Da the "oldendays" in the city in which he has lived for nigh 88 years.

Tomorrow: I plant myself near the white boat clubs and face E-E-S ...


Lois said...

What a wonderful post! Sounds like you and your Dad have a special bond! Your pictures are beautiful.

Lowell said...

How wonderfully poignant! Beautiful photo and your commentary about your dad is just perfect!

stromsjo said...

Doing things here and now is what counts. Also, I don't believe that remembering something is a binary property - either you do or you don't. Even though a person might not be able to describe what you did yesterday parts of it will be woven into his experience in ways we do not understand. The mind is complex.

Joan Elizabeth said...

My husband is always remonstrating me for being intimidated by signs. He says its only a bit of paint and goes merrily on his way ignoring it ... looks like you are kindred spirits.

As for bossy signs ... have you visited a caravan park lately, they are plastered with bossy signs -- do this, don't do that. I have been thinking of taking photos of some of them.